The Stats
“Seniors shouldn’t feel scared to make the transition to college. Although it is intimidating, it gets easier. Even if you feel like it’s hard, don’t give up.”
About Sylvia
Sylvia attends college today because of a decision to try during her senior year of high school.
“I gave up in high school, because I thought it was too hard,” says Sylvia. “But something changed my last year and I decided to try. I put myself out there and that’s when I received the most help I’ve ever had.”
As part of her Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP), Sylvia filled out a quiz available through her school that helped guide her to potential career paths.
“The quiz gives you specific categories that might be best for each person,” says Sylvia. “Mine recommended something in the medical field, so that’s what I’m leaning toward doing.”
Sylvia is attending Pima Community College for her general studies credits with plans to transfer to the University of Arizona to complete her bachelor’s degree.
School is possible for Sylvia because of two grants and a scholarship she received when she graduated high school.
“The grants have helped a lot,” says Sylvia. “They’ve taken care of everything except for my books.”