The Stats
“I believe that it’s really important to meet with your adviser. When I first started at ASU, I thought that I could do it all on my own, but that’s just not the case. Advisers know about all of the mistakes that students have made in the past, and they can help you avoid making some of those same mistakes.”
About Perla
Perla wants to succeed in a future career so she can help support her mother, who works tirelessly to support her family.
“My motivation comes mainly from my mom. I’ve seen her work super hard and a crazy number of hours just to support all of us. I want to be able to do well in life and give back to her for what she has given to us,” said Perla.
Perla has paid for her schooling with a Pell Grant and a scholarship from College Success Arizona.
“With the scholarship, I’ve been able to cover all of my school needs plus the textbooks,” she said. "As a student, I’m working and doing my full course load. Without the scholarship, it would have been a lot harder and more stressful to have to worry out paying for tuition and everything else.”
Despite prior community college experience, Perla said transitioning to Arizona State University was not easy.
“At ASU, there is a lot more reading and you really have to get good at time management,” said Perla. “There is a lot more independence at ASU. It’s up to me to do my assignments and succeed.”