The Stats
“Be the best at whatever you choose to be, whether you want to be an accountant, a lawyer or an astronaut. It’s worth taking the risk even if you accrue debt or face any sort of problems that come along with college – they’re worth it in the end.”
About Erik
Erik has plans to pursue an economics degree from the University of Arizona. He appreciates all of the options studying economics could give him in his future career.
“My economics degree is going to be very, very versatile,” said Erik. “I’m going to use my education to pursue a job in the business world and work a few years. Then, hopefully, I’ll go back and get a master’s in either economics or accounting.”
Attending college has not only helped Erik find a career path, it has also helped him to grow as a person.
“I would definitely say college has matured me. It’s allowed me to live on my own a lot more and not rely on parents, friends or teachers to find answers to problems,” he said.
Erik’s college experience is possible because of a Pell Grant and a scholarship from College Success Arizona.
“Financially, it’s helped me tremendously,” said Erik. “It’s helped me avoid student debt completely. I haven’t taken any loans out in four years.”