The Stats
“You can never go wrong with earning a college degree.
It makes your possibilities endless.”
About Destinee
Destinee Barajas is using a concurrent enrollment program through Mesa Community College and Arizona State University to graduate with her bachelor’s degree in nursing.
She tells high school students not to feel pressured to attend a university.
“I started out at a community college, and it’s the best decision I made.” Destinee says. “I’m getting the same education with smaller class sizes and for less money.”
She prepared for college by participating in many extracurricular activities throughout high school, including varsity basketball and softball, student council and the National Honor Society. During the summers, she took courses at the local community college.
“All of these activities prepared me for college by helping me learn to balance life and school,” says Destinee. “And, they helped me earn scholarships to pay for college.”
She recommends this year’s high school seniors begin researching colleges now.
“Do your research early,” she says. “I didn’t know where I would be going to college until after high school graduation, which made it more difficult to prepare.”