The Stats
"College is important not only for the job opportunity, but also for the experience. I have evolved as a person because of my college experience."
About Araceli
Araceli began preparing for college as a high school sophomore. She enrolled in honors, pre-AP and AP classes during her sophomore, junior and senior years of high school.
Her early preparation helped her earn a scholarship in addition to two grants that are helping her pay for tuition and living expenses at Northern Arizona University.
"The Pell Grant helped tremendously. I would go as far to say if it weren't for the money I received from filling out the FAFSA, my schooling would be paid for completely by loans or it would be difficult for me to go to school at all,” said Araceli. “FAFSA gave me the start my family couldn't, financially speaking."
Araceli originally began attending college as an exercise science major. She knew she wanted to do something related to sports, but wasn’t completely happy with her major.
"All my life I've had a passion for sports, whether it's playing or learning,” says Araceli. “When I was young two things were a guarantee on Sunday: church and football. God gave me this passion for a reason.”
When her brother introduced her to the journalism program at NAU, she knew that sports journalism was the right major and future career for her.
“My advice for high school seniors is to do what you're passionate about,” says Araceli. “If you go into college without a plan that is also okay. Be involved and try different clubs and activities to see what makes you spark.”