The Stats
Chamberlain College of Nursing
Dream Job
Nurse at a Hospital in Yuma
High School
Class of 2012
Yuma, Arizona
“Education can help us to overcome boundaries and make a major difference for the positive in life.”
About Jennifer
Jennifer was getting ready to transition to a university after completing her associate’s degree at Arizona Western College in Yuma when her mother and young nephew were killed in a car accident. One of her sisters was also injured in the accident.
“The doctors and nurses were so helpful after the accident,” said Jennifer. “At some point I want to work in a hospital in Yuma and be able to help people in need, the way my family was helped.”
After the accident, Jennifer took a semester off from school and then transferred to Chamberlain College of Nursing in Phoenix to complete a nursing degree.
“That program helped make it an easier transition by helping me to understand more about college and what I’m getting into,” she said.
She has been able to continue her education and pursue a career in nursing because of a Pell Grant and a scholarship from College Success Arizona.